Rize Relationship Lab

Online Respectful Relationships Program

Video of the week

Check out this weeks video! Click below to see more awesome creations from community.

Game Zone

Gaming your thing? Check out these mini-games!

Creation of the week

Community Art Hub! What’s your thing? Digital Art? Painting? Music? Check out these awesome art pieces!

Your Stories

Stories by Mentors & Students

Q&A Zone

Questions from young people

Get Involved

Visit the RAMP Zone

Tip Zone

I want to read about it

Are you a young person and have a question?
Ask a mentor or professional!

Questions submitted will be posted to the Q&A Zone with the response.
Artwork by Rize Above Peer-Mentor Mr. J F. Read Mr J.F’s story here.


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Acknowledgement of Country

The contribution of Aboriginal Australians has shaped our knowledge of the country and our identity. All Australians benefit from the generosity of Aboriginal people sharing their Country and their culture.

Relationships Australia (SA) acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians; their spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and economic connection to the Land and Seas, and apologises for the atrocities that have been perpetrated on them and their ancestors, and recognises the continued impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians today.

We are committed to an ongoing process of reconciliation and will actively engage in redressing inequitable distributions of the physical, spiritual and political economy, in regards to Australian Indigenous issues.

Relationships Australia (SA) recognises and acknowledges that dispossession of Country, and the disruption to family connections has resulted in a breakdown of social networks created through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian’s Knowledge, Law and Culture. We also recognise the continuous intergenerational impact of the history of invasion, policies and legislation.


Rize Above values all healthy relationships inclusive of the vast diversity in how these can look. In this site, and in the programs we aim for inclusive language for our terms and challenge heteronormativity. We acknowledge and respect the diversity of bodies, genders and relationships young people have. Young people express their gender and sexuality in different ways, this program celebrates diversity and aims to promote healthy and respectful relationships for all people.
Kids Helpline have put together a great resource which talks to many of the definitions and explanations for LGBTIQA+ terms. You can read more here: LGBTIQA+ Ultimate Dictionary