Welcome to the Relationships Lab!
Lets get started…
Are you a new user? Register below.
Returning user? Click log in to enroll to return to your course.
Here we will explore how relationships work, the things that work well and what to do when they aren’t working so well.
If at any stage you would like some support pop back to the Youth Hub and you will be able to ‘ask a question’ in the online page, or can access the useful links/ need help now sections.
We acknowledge that all people have relationships, and that each persons experience is unique. This course has been designed with the support and input from community and young people.
If you encounter any difficulties along the way, need support or would like to reset a game or account please email rizeabove@rasa.org.au
MOC Registration
Rize Above is funded by the Department of Social Services.
Rize Above Respectful Relationships Program Contains gamified experiences. Some coarse language and drug references. If you would like to know more about the classifications please visit www.classification.gov.au.