Thank you for reaching out and asking your question. Conflict is a normal part of all relationships so we need to have the skills to deal with it effectively. To be able to move through these issue it is important to have open and honest communication. For more information on tips on how to resolve conflict visit the Kids Help Line link below.
In the meantime, think about how you keep yourself okay when things like this happen. Going for a walk, journaling or doing something you enjoy will help you to think more clearly in times of stress. If you take time to do something for yourself you will have a clearer head when coming back together and working to resolve the conflict. It is really important to have people around you who are supportive but it is equally important to have your own strategies in place for your own mental health and wellbeing. Look at page 4-5 of the Safety Planning Kit (linked) for more information on coping strategies. You can find this toolkit here